1. Introduction

1.1  In order for Career Institute of Cyprus to achieve its mission to deliver high-quality education and training we must reach and include all who fall within our community.

1.2  All members of our community have the right to access education and training and to achieve success so that they can reach their full potential and contribute towards serving their community. This approach is a business case model that recognises that the inclusion of all potential students will bring us the business as well as social returns.

1.3  Career Institute of Cyprus has students from a wide variety of backgrounds who have the right to work and study free from discrimination or any other actions that may limit their potential to participate and succeed. In addition, all our students and staff should have their contributions valued and recognised.

1.4  Some groups in our society have faced and still face discrimination. Our equality and diversity policy recognises that the Institute is committed to taking an active role in removing barriers that limit the potential of our students or staff. It is a reflection of our commitment to inclusion and to eliminating discrimination through education, training and practices which will bring benefits to all our students and staff and the wider community.

2. Policy Statement

2.1  The Policy of the Institute is to provide equality of opportunity for all existing and potential students and employees.

2.2  We aim to ensure that no existing or potential student or employee receives less favourable treatment than other students or employees on the grounds of race, disability, gender, sexual orientation, religion or belief, age or other factors such as ethnic or national origin, socio-economic background or marital status.

2.3  We aim to create an environment for work and study where students and staff feel safe, respected and listened to regardless of their backgrounds or personal attributes and where individual differences are recognised and celebrated. In addition, we are committed to taking positive action to identify and eliminate inequality and promote inclusiveness in all aspects of life.

2.4  We will ensure Career Institute of Cyprus meets its legal obligations under legislation to eliminate unlawful discrimination and harassment and to also actively promote equality in relation to race, disability, gender, faith, sexual orientation, and age. To meet our overall legal obligations under the general duties we will:

- Gather information on how our work affects different groups

- Consult employees, service users, trade unions, and other stakeholders, and involve disabled people.

- Assess the impact of our policies and practices.

- Using this evidence decide what should be the priorities for taking action.

- Take actions that will deliver the best outcomes in race, disability, and gender equality.

3. Purpose of the Policy

3.1 The purpose of this policy is to establish clear guidance regarding equality and diversity and to establish key principles, structures and monitoring arrangements for Career Institute of Cyprus. The guidance will be applicable to all employees and learners, contractors, volunteers and visitors.

4. Supporting Policies, Codes of Practice

4.1 The principles and aims of this policy complement and are supported by other policies and procedures relating to Career Institute of Cyprus

5. Impact Assessments

5.1 We recognize that the potential for discrimination exists in many areas of the Career Institute of Cyprus' operations. As such, part of our commitment is to undertake equality impact assessments for all our policies, practices and procedures. This will evaluate if our operations have or could have a negative impact on specific groups that may discriminate against them or limit their potential to participate and achieve.

6. Key Principles

6.1 Career Institute of Cyprus believes that all forms of prejudice and discrimination are unacceptable. Although discrimination and prejudice can take a variety of forms against different groups and there are issues specific to different groups, our aim is to take positive action to work towards the elimination of inequality in all areas of Career Institute of Cyprus. To support this, below are some key principles that apply to all students and staff.

  • Ensure understanding that the achievement of equality is the responsibility of each individual member (students and staff) of the Institute community.
  • Create a positive inclusive ethos with a shared commitment to respecting diversity and difference and to encouraging good relations between people of different groups.
  • Value positively the achievements of all learners and support them to realise their full potential.
  • Encourage in all students high expectations of achievement and progression to education or relevant work.
  • Actively work to raise the awareness of learners of the importance of equality and diversity issues and the Institute’s expectations of them to contribute to a safe and inclusive environment.
  • Promote positive images of achievement by students of all backgrounds that recognises and celebrates the knowledge and experience they bring.
  • Development of a curriculum offer that meets the needs of our wide community and supports under represented groups.
  • Collect, analyse and report on a range of data that will identify areas of inequality, and develop appropriate strategies and actions that will address those inequalities.
  • Make reasonable adjustments to ensure learners and staff are supported to participate and achieve. This includes potential staff and learners with physical or mental impairments
  • Encourage applications from potential learners and potential employees into non-traditional areas of work or study to minimise stereotyping (and especially gender imbalance).
  • Carry out impact assessments on the range of our policies, practices and procedures to assess potential or actual negative impact on specific groups.
  • Assess all potential learners or job applicants on their individual merits and their ability to undertake employment/ training/ education successfully.
  • Provide suitable training and support for staff so they have the skills, knowledge and confidence to implement equality and diversity throughout their work.
  • Respect, and where necessary provide for, the practices which support the religious beliefs of learners and/or employees.
  • Respect the sexual orientation of all employees and learners.

7. Equality Principles within Employment

7.1. Career Institute of Cyprus aims to employ a workforce that reflects, at every level, the community which it serves.

7.2 In seeking to achieve a balanced workforce at all levels, Career Institute of Cyprus will ensure that no employee, job applicant, or candidate for promotion will be disadvantaged or treated less favorably because of conditions or requirements that are not related to the job.

7.3 Reasonable adjustments will be made to arrangements and premises to ensure equal access for employees or potential employees who are disabled.

7.4 In order to ensure equality and fairness at all stages of employment, Career Institute of Cyprus will ensure that equality issues are embedded into all its recruitment and staffing policies and procedures.

8. Structures and Responsibilities

8.1 The management is responsible for ensuring that Career Institute of Cyprus adheres to the law in relation to equality and diversity and for promoting the Institute’s policy on equality and diversity.

8.2 The Director is responsible for giving a high-profile lead on equality and diversity issues and integrating equality objectives into the strategic plans.

8.3 It is the responsibility of all employees and learners to uphold the Career Institute of Cyprus' policy on equality.

9. Contract and Service Providers

9.1 All contractors and providers of services to the Institute are responsible for ensuring that they and their staff adhere to the Career Institute of Cyprus' policy on equality and diversity and to the conditions in such contracts or agreements.

10. Consultation

10.1 The Institute will aim to consult within and outside Career Institute of Cyprus' with members of the under represented groups in the Career Institute of Cyprus/community in furtherance of this policy.

11. Monitoring

11.1 Career Institute of Cyprus is committed to the collection of statistics, analysis of data and presentation of data in relation to identifying areas of inequality. This information will be used to set targets, monitor progress and inform the development of appropriate strategies or changes in practice.

11.2  All data will be collected, stored and distributed with regard to data protection principles.

11.3  Career Institute of Cyprus undertakes to conduct comprehensive and effective monitoring of both the staff and student body and the profile of the community which the Institute serves.

12. Staff

12.1  Career Institute of Cyprus will collect data on its staff to monitor progress towards recruitment of a workforce which reflects, at every level, the community which it serves.

12.2  Career Institute of Cyprus will monitor the composition of the existing workforce and the recruitment process, with particular reference to race, ethnicity, disability and gender.

12.3 Career Institute of Cyprus will also categorize employees according to: grade; contract type, ie. whether full-time or part-time, permanent or temporary; length of time in post; place of work; salary. Records will also be kept of training, appraisals, promotions, regradings and discretionary pay awards.

12.4  After the employment relationship has ended, Career Institute of Cyprus may retain statistics and data about the composition of the workforce, including appraisal and promotion records, for the purpose of carrying out equal opportunities monitoring, and will evaluate exit interviews and turnover statistics.

13. Learners

13.1 Career Institute of Cyprus will monitor all learners and potential learners in order to assist in the identification of areas of inequality, the setting of targets and the measurement of our progress in achieving them.

14. Positive Action

14.1  Career Institute of Cyprus undertakes to follow positive action measures allowed by law to rectify disadvantages in employment or education provision revealed by monitoring.

15. Meeting Our Duties

15.1 We will seek to ensure that:

  • Staff, learners and their sponsors (including work placement providers) are aware of our equality policy and the action needed for its implementation.
  • Staff, learners and their sponsors (including work placement providers) are aware of the value we place on equality and diversity practice and that action will be taken in the event of any breach of the policy.
  • Staff have access to comprehensive information, which assists them to plan, implement and monitor actions to carry out their responsibilities under the policy.

16. General

16.1  Any learner, applicant or employee may raise complaints of unfair and/or discriminatory treatment either informally or formally. The Institute will deal with all complaints fully and sensitively. In some cases this may involve initiating disciplinary action.

16.2  Complaints from learners can be raised through the Complaints Procedure.

17. Publicizing Our Policy and Progress

17.1  Our commitment to equality and diversity will be highlighted in our prospectuses and all major publications.

18. Review

18.1 This policy will be reviewed annually in accordance with legislative developments and the need for good practice.

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