Career Institute of Cyprus

This document contains information on the rights and obligations of students.  Students are responsible for reading, understanding, and complying with all policies contained in this document.  If you have questions or need additional information, please contact info@thecicy.com

This document is updated quarterly, if necessary, and is available in our office, on our website, and by request.

  1. Preamble

This policy was approved by the Academic Board on 01/01/2022

  1. Governing Legislation:

This policy is governed by the following laws and regulations: The Laws of the Republic of Cyprus

  1. Purpose

This policy governs the endorsement, delivery, and assessment of Career Institute of Cyprus' vocational training courses.

  1. Scope

This policy applied to all the courses offered by Career Institute of Cyprus and training courses.

  1. Mission Statement

At Career Institute of Cyprus we pledge to provide quality training and excellent service to our customers and students.  We are also dedicated to being a positive part of our community as we strive to build and maintain relationships with the legal community in Europe.

  1. Educational Goals

The Training Center of Career Institute of Cyprus is dedicated to providing quality training programs and ensuring student success.  We strive to offer training programs in a format and with schedules that increase students’ ability to manage class time, homework, project assignments, and mastery of material and skills.  We include practical instruction to make sure that our students have the skills and confidence to seek employment and to be excellent members of the legal community. We constantly evaluate our programs for ways to improve the learning experience and improve our programs and we welcome suggestions and ideas from students.

  1. Authorization:

  • Cyprus Bar Association accredited CPD provider  
  • The Human Resource and Development Agency, Cyprus, accredited KEK (Center for Vocational Training).
  • The Companies Registrar Cyprus.

  1. Staff:

  • Androulla Poutziouris – CEO, Training Center Co-Ordinator
  • Georgia Onoufriou – COO, Assessor/Examinations Officer
  • Natasa Tilemachou – Internal Verifier, Quality Assurance Officer, Data Protection Officer.

  1. Faculty:

Career Institute of Cyprus regularly adds lecturers to its faculty. For a full list of trainers visit our website.

  1. Office Location and Hours of Operation

  • The head offices are located at Eleftherias Street, 50, Larnaca, 7102.
  • Office hours are 9a.m. -5p.m. Appointments are strongly recommended.
  • Contact details: email: info@thecicy.com, Telephone: +357 95 150 840, website: www.thecicy.com

  1. Programs of Study

A full list of programs of study, diplomas, vocational courses, seminars, and webinars can be found on our website at www.thecicy.com

  1. Review

A review of this policy will take place annually and will be communicated to all learners where nessersay.

What will be reviewed:

• The Policy in its entirety.
• Legislation and codes of practice relevant to this policy.
• Awarding bodies standards.

  1. Facilities

The Training Center facilities are properly lighted, heated, cooled, and ventilated.  Class and areas are large, safe, and conducive to quality training.

Restrooms are handicap accessible.  Buildings and grounds are well maintained.  All equipment is regularly inspected, well maintained, and replaced as needed. Our facility is located in a safe area and we take all reasonable steps to ensure student safety.

  1. Educational and Vocational Planning

Individual assistance for educational and vocational planning is available upon request.  This service is available before Application, during, and/or after training.  Student graduation, certification, and employment data are available upon request.

Assistance includes:

  • Career counseling and assessment
  • Career development resources referrals
  • Job market and salary information

  1. Roles and Responsibilities.

Responsibilities Training Center Coordinator

  • To be the first point of contact between the center and its awarding bodies.
  • To ensure policies and procedures are in place to support the quality assurance and IQA process.
  • To ensure that policies and procedures are reviewed regularly and updated in line with current legislation and awarding bodies standards.
  • To ensure that the most current version of all documentation is used and communicated to relevant personnel.
  • To chair and arrange quarterly IQA and Centre meetings for internal verifiers and assessors to meet and discuss strategy, feedback, and standards.
  • To support the sharing of best practices amongst trainers, assessors, and internal verifiers.
  • To liaise between awarding bodies quality assurance staff and trainers, assessors, and internal verifiers when external quality assurance staff wish to visit.
  • To communicate the subsequent quality assurance report to appropriate personnel.
  • To ensure that any required actions and development points identified in external/internal quality assurance reports are discussed and acted upon.
  • Notify the awarding bodies of any learner who requires reasonable adjustments or enters an appeal.
  • To ensure all data passed on by trainers, assessors and internal verifiers is processed and submitted to awarding bodies within time frames stated in line with the Company/Centre’s data protection policy.
  • To ensure trainers, assessors and internal verifiers are aware of this and other policies set by the Company/Centre.
  • Complete accident investigation and communicate/assist with the awarding bodies’ findings of investigations when linked to the activities of the center.
  • Provide a safe working environment for employees and learners.
  • Notify trainers and assessors of any learners reasonable adjustments were identified prior to the course or assessment delivery.
  • Communicate training and assessment feedback to the company or learners Manager where required.

Internal Verifier roles and responsibilities:

  • To facilitate and support trainers and assessors.
  • To assist trainers and assessors in the standardization of assessment evidence and training delivery by always sharing and showing best practices.
  • To sample training and assessment evidence/delivery according to the internal verification procedure.
  • To countersign evidence as confirmation of verification where required.
  • To complete internal verification reports and summary sheets and communicate with the Coordinator and Centre Manager.
  • Check and Maintain CPD records and make them available to the Coordinator and Centre Manager for awarding bodies external quality assurance staff on request.
  • To contribute to the Centre’s review of policies, procedures, training and assessment material and
  • To participate in any assessment appeal as indicated in the Company/Centre’s appeals procedure.
  • To participate in any complaint as indicated in the Company/Centre complaints procedure.
  • To attend and participate in any visits by the awarding bodies’ quality assurance staff, as required.
  • To be aware of the risk of malpractice and act according to the Company/Centre procedure.
  • To respond positively to advice and support from the Coordinator, Centre Manager, and awarding bodies.
  • Ensure audits are completely in line with the Centres audit planner.
  • Make decisions on appeals by learners at the relevant stage and support all parties where nessersay

Trainer roles and responsibilities:

  • To undertake candidate induction and ensure that correct paperwork is completed.
  • To complete a specific risk assessment before courses take place.
  • To support the learner through course delivery.
  • To ensure that any reasonable adjustments are identified and discussed with the learner confidentially and the Coordinator/Centre Manager where required.
  • To deliver training as per the awarding bodies standard or company/center standard when internal courses are delivered.
  • To induct learners into the center and make them aware of welfare arrangements, access, and emergency arrangements.
  • To make all learners aware of the company/centre’s policies and procedures.
  • To support candidates where nessersay.
  • To discuss candidate training arrangements with colleagues to ensure a standardised approach.
  • Provide feedback to the Coordinator/Centre Manager and Operations Manager/Director (company only).
  • To attend and participate in standardisation meetings.
  • Maintain a CPD record and make this available to awarding bodies external quality assurance staff on request.
  • To contribute to the company/center’s review of policies, procedures, learning and assessment material, and resources.
  • To participate in any appeal as indicated in the center appeals procedure.
  • To participate in any complaint as indicated in the centre complaints procedure.
  • To attend and participate in any visits by the awarding bodies quality assurance staff.
  • To be aware of the risk of malpractice and act according to the centre’s procedure.
  • To attend training and read updated materials where required.
  • To ensure all contact information is kept up-to-date and to notify the Coordinator/Centre Manager of any changes

Assessor Roles and responsibilities:

  • To undertake candidate induction and ensure that correct paperwork is completed.
  • To complete a specific risk assessment before assessments take place.
  • To support the learner through the assessment process.
  • To ensure that any reasonable adjustments are identified and discussed with the learner confidentially and the Coordinator/Centre Manager where required.
  • To conduct assessments as per the awarding bodies standard and company/center standard.
  • To induct learners into the center and make them aware of welfare arrangements, access, and emergency arrangements when required.
  • To make all learners aware of the company/center’s policies and procedures.
  • To support candidates where necessary and make them aware of the assessment process and standard.
  • To provide re-assessment for candidates where necessary.
  • To assess candidate evidence against the standards.
  • To record assessment decisions and provide feedback to candidates on submitted evidence.
  • To discuss candidate assessment arrangements with colleagues to ensure a standardised approach.
  • Provide feedback to the Coordinator/Centre Manager and Operations Manager/Director (company only).
  • To attend and participate in standardisation meetings.
  • Maintain a CPD record and make this available to awarding bodies external quality assurance staff on request.
  • To contribute to the Company/Centre’s review of policies, procedures, learning and assessment material, and resources.
  • To participate in any assessment appeal as indicated in the center appeals procedure.
  • To attend and participate in any visits by awarding bodies quality assurance staff.
  • To be aware of the risk of malpractice and act according to the centre’s procedure.
  • To attend training and read update materials where required.
  • To ensure all contact information is kept up-to-date and to notify the Coordinator/Centre Manager of any changes.


  • Notify the Coordinator/Centre Manager of any reasonable adjustments or medical requirements.
  • Read the company/center’s policies and procedures.
  • Comply with PPE requirements as instructed by the company or center’s requirements.
  • Notify the Coordinator/Centre Manager of any perceived malpractice or discrimination.
  • Understand the awarding bodies’ standards that you are being trained and/or assessed to.
  • Follow awarding bodies’ procedures and help them in their roles where nessersay.
  • Report accidents, incidents, or near-misses.
  • Follow the Company’s paperwork that you have been given such as risk assessments and method statements.

  1. Academic & Ethics Policy

The Training Center of Career Institute of Cyprus. promotes and expects all students to conduct themselves professionally, and with honesty and integrity.  Personal ethics are critical to the development of professional character and we consider academic integrity an integral part of the learning environment. Any infraction of this policy is detrimental to the students’ education and the integrity of the school and may result in expulsion.

Cases of academic misconduct that are strictly forbidden include:

  • Take photos of tests, quizzes, or exams.
  • Plagiarizing any assignment or part of an assignment. Plagiarizing means to use someone else’s ideas or words as one’s own, without giving appropriate credit using quotation marks, if necessary, and citing the source(s).
  • Copying and submitting another’s work as one’s own, in full or in part.
  • Using unauthorized notes or equipment (programmable calculator, PDA, cell phone, etc.) during an examination.
  • Stealing an examination or using a stolen examination for any purpose.
  • Allowing another student to have access to your work, thereby enabling that student to represent the work as his/her own.
  • Having someone else take a quiz or exam in one’s place, taking an exam for someone else, assisting someone in any way during a quiz or exam, or using any unauthorized electronic device or another unauthorized method of support during a quiz or exam.
  • Falsifying or fabricating information
  • Falsifying a student’s clinical record, or any other student record, including a record of attendance.
  • Using or copying another person’s electronic file or copying any electronic information or computer program.
  • Allowing and/or aiding another student to violate any ethics rule
  • Other forms of cheating or misconduct are forbidden, even if not listed here specifically.

  1. Induction

All learners shall be inducted prior to the commencement of the training course or assessments commence. The Coordinator/Centre Manager will notify the trainer/assessor of any medical arrangements or reasonable adjustments via email prior to commencement.

The Induction will consist of:

  • Introduction by the trainer/assessor by name and brief background history.
  • Fire alarm, evacuation, muster point, and firefighting equipment.
  • First aiders, first aid kit, and accident reporting.
  • Smoking areas and policy.
  • Welfare facilities such as toilets, drinking water, and hot/cold drinks facilities.
  • General health and safety brief covering hazards highlighted in the risk assessment.
  • Breaks.
  • PPE requirements.
  • Reasonable adjustments.
  • The standard to which the learners are being trained or assessed.
  • The Company/Centre/awarding bodies’ policies and where to locate them.
  • Test paper results/marks required and opportunities to give and receive feedback.

All trainers, assessors, and Internal Verifiers are responsible for inducting learners before any training or assessments take place.

  1. Recognition of Prior Learning

Recognition of prior learning will assist a trainer/assessor in making decisions on a learner’s competence and will give a guide as to what knowledge and ability a learner may have that may assist in the decision being made before a final decision is made against a standard.

This may also prevent duplication of units by the learner and prevent learners from being put at a financial disadvantage.

  1. Internal Verification Procedure

The purpose of this procedure is to provide objectives devised to ensure that the Centre will effectively comply with internal and external verification requirements and/or the national standards. The procedure will ensure that those working under the Centre and the learners meet the standards set by it and the awarding bodies. Regular audits against the Centres Policy and its Procedures will ensure compliance and allow the Centre to continuously improve its and its learners needs.

The Centre will ensure that:

  • All personnel with internal verification/moderation responsibilities are suitably qualified to undertake this role.
  • That all training, assessment, internal verification personnel, and learners are aware of the internal verification procedure and strategic objectives and can facilitate the implementation.
  • Training, assessment, internal verification personnel development needs are taken into consideration that developing and newly qualified internal verifiers are given the necessary support to fulfill their duties effectively.
  • The internal verification procedure will take place:

  1. Stage 1: Pre-course delivery communication to students
  2. Stage 2: Course delivery
  3. Stage 3: Post-course delivery
© Copyright 2024 by Career Institute of Cyprus